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Corporate and Team First Aid Courses: Keeping Your Workplace Safe

Everyone deserves to be safe. If your looking to keep your staff safe, you”ve probably considered our on site group training.
We’ve got great corporate and team first aid courses. They’re not just about ticking a box for workplace safety – they’re about equipping you and your colleagues with skills that could save a life. Guess what, with our onsite first aid courses we ensure a safer and more prepared workplace for everyone. Let’s talk about why they matter and how they work.

Why First Aid Skills Matter at Work

Picture this: I’m in the middle of a regular workday. Suddenly, Anne, who has been working in the office since Gough Whitlam was in pm and has type 2 diabetes, collapses. It’s a scorching hot day, the air conditioning isn’t working, and she hasn’t had lunch. What do I do? This is where first aid training becomes invaluable.

First aid skills are like a safety net for our workplace. They give us the confidence to act when someone needs help, whether it’s a minor cut or a major emergency. It’s not about replacing professional medical help – it’s about knowing what to do in those critical first few minutes before help arrives.

Quick Look at Team First Aid Training

Now, you might be thinking, “Isn’t first aid just an individual skill?” Well, that’s where team first aid training comes in. It’s like upgrading from solo play to multiplayer mode in a video game – suddenly, we’ve got backup, and we’re part of a coordinated response.

Team first aid training is about learning to work together in an emergency. It’s about knowing our roles, communicating clearly, and supporting each other. When everyone on our team knows first aid, we’re not just safer – we’re a more cohesive unit. The shared experience of learning and practicing these skills builds team spirit. We see our colleagues in a new light, understanding their strengths and how we can work together. It’s not just team building; it’s team building with a purpose.

A corporate first aid training session is taking place in a modern office with large windows overlooking the Brisbane River. The view outside shows a beautiful river and cityscape. Inside, a group of business professionals is gathered around a CPR dummy. One person is demonstrating chest compressions while a woman assists and offers guidance. The participants are intently watching and learning, highlighting the importance of first aid skills in the workplace. The room is well-lit with natural light, creating a professional and engaging atmosphere.

What We Offer

At My First Aid Course Brisbane, we’ve got you covered with courses that meet national standards and workplace requirements. We know that training a whole team can be a logistical challenge. That’s why we offer group courses for six or more people. It’s a great way to get everyone on the same page and build team spirit while learning crucial skills.
Here’s what we offer:

1. HLTAID011 Provide First Aid

This is our comprehensive first aid course. It covers everything from assessing the situation and managing the unconscious person, to providing CPR, responding to bleeding and shock, and managing medical conditions like asthma and anaphylaxis.

What you’ll learn:

  • How to assess an emergency situation
  • Performing CPR on adults, children, and infants
  • Using an automated external defibrillator (AED)
  • Managing bleeding and shock
  • Dealing with fractures, sprains, and strains
  • Responding to burns
  • Handling medical emergencies like asthma and severe allergic reactions
  • Handling common workplace injuries like cuts and scrapes, burns, sprains and strains, eye injuries, and more. We’ll learn when we can handle things ourselves and when it’s time to call in the professionals.

This course is perfect for workplaces that want a thorough grounding in first aid skills.

2. HLTAID009 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

This course focuses specifically on CPR – one of the most critical first aid skills. You’ll learn how to perform CPR on adults, children, and infants, and how to use an AED.

What you’ll learn:

  • Recognizing an unconscious person
  • Performing CPR correctly
  • Using an AED safely and effectively
  • The chain of survival and why every link matters

Remember, this course needs to be renewed every 12 months to keep your skills sharp and up-to-date.

Benefits of Team First Aid Training

Now, you might be wondering, “Why should we train as a team?” Great question! Here’s why team first aid training is a game-changer:

1. Everyone Knows What to Do in an Emergency

Imagine a workplace where everyone knows their role in an emergency. No panic, no confusion – just a coordinated response. That’s what team first aid training gives us. It’s like a well-rehearsed fire drill, but for medical emergencies. (like these guys did)

A group of young adults is participating in a first aid training session. They are all wearing matching black t-shirts with the text "My First Aid Course Brisbane" printed on them. The group is gathered around a CPR dummy, with one individual in the center performing chest compressions while the others watch attentively and offer support. The participants are smiling and appear engaged, indicating a positive and educational environment. The setting is a well-lit indoor space, enhancing the atmosphere of learning and collaboration.

2. Smells Like Team Spirit

There’s something about learning life-saving skills together that brings people closer. We’ll see our colleagues in a new light, understanding their strengths and how we can work together. The shared experience of learning and practicing these skills builds team spirit. It’s team building with a purpose, creating a cohesive unit that can rely on each other in times of crisis.

4. Meets Workplace Safety Rules

Let’s face it – there are rules about workplace safety. Team first aid training helps us tick those boxes. But more than that, it shows we’re serious about creating a safe work environment. It’s not just about compliance – it’s about care.

What You’ll Learn

Our courses are packed with practical, hands-on learning. Here’s a taste of what you can expect:

1. CPR with Multiple Rescuers

This is where the “team” in team first aid really shines. We’ll learn how to perform CPR as part of a team, switching roles smoothly to maintain high-quality compressions without fatigue. We’ll talk about and practice these scenarios to ensure we’re ready. It’s like a well-oiled machine, with each person playing a crucial part.

two men at an auction provide cpr to an unconscious person

2. Handling Common Workplace Injuries

From paper cuts to more serious incidents, we’ll learn how to handle a range of workplace injuries. We’ll cover:

  • Cuts and scrapes
  • Burns
  • Sprains and strains
  • Eye injuries
  • And more

We’ll learn when we can handle things ourselves and when it’s time to call in the professionals. This comprehensive training is part of the HLTAID011 Provide First Aid course.

3. Using First Aid Equipment

First aid kits aren’t much use if we don’t know what’s in them or how to use the contents. We’ll familiarize ourselves with common first aid equipment, including:

  • Different types of bandages and how to apply them
  • How to use an AED
  • When and how to use an EpiPen
  • What to do with an asthma inhaler

4. What to Do in an Emergency

Emergencies are unpredictable, but our response doesn’t have to be. We’ll go through the steps of handling an emergency:

  • Assessing the situation safely
  • Calling for help
  • Providing care while waiting for professional help to arrive
  • Handover to emergency services

We’ll leave the course feeling confident in our ability to handle whatever comes our way.

Why Choose My First Aid Course Brisbane

Now, we know you have choices when it comes to first aid training. So why choose us? Here’s what sets us apart:

Brisbane’s Best-Reviewed First Aid Courses

Don’t just take our word for it – our students consistently rate us as the best in Brisbane. We’re proud of our reputation for clear, engaging, and practical training.

Experienced Trainers

Our trainers aren’t just qualified – they’re experienced. They bring real-world knowledge to the classroom, sharing stories and insights that bring the training to life.

 first aid traienrs posing together

Hands-On Practice

We believe in learning by doing. Our courses include plenty of hands-on practice. We’ll get to try out our skills in a safe, supportive environment. It’s not about perfection – it’s about building confidence and muscle memory.

Convenient Booking Process

We know we’re busy. That’s why we’ve made our booking process as smooth as possible. Just fill out our online form, let us know our needs, and we’ll sort out the rest.

How Our Courses Work

We’ve designed our courses to fit into our busy schedule without compromising on quality. Here’s how it works:

1. Pre-Course Online Learning

Before we come to the in-person session, we’ll complete some online learning. This covers the theory we need to know, at our own pace. It’s like preparing for a big game – we study the playbook before we hit the field.

2. In-Person Practical Sessions

This is where the magic happens. We’ll come together with our team for hands-on practice. Our trainers will guide us through scenarios, answer our questions, and help us perfect our technique.

3. Maximizes Learning While Minimizing Time Away from Work

By combining online and in-person learning, we make the most of our time. We get all the benefits of thorough training without spending days away from our desk.

FAQs about Our Corporate First Aid Courses

We get a lot of questions about our courses. Here are some of the most common ones:

1. How often should we renew our training?

For the HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation course, we need to renew every 12 months. It’s like an annual check-up for our CPR skills.

For other courses, the renewal times can vary. We recommend checking the specific requirements for our industry or role. When in doubt, more frequent refreshers are always a good idea. First aid guidelines can change, and regular practice keeps our skills sharp.

2. Can you tailor the course to our workplace?

Absolutely! We know that every workplace is unique. If we give them a heads up about our specific risks or concerns, they can focus on those areas. Working in a kitchen? They’ll spend more time on burns and cuts. Office environment? They might focus more on medical emergencies like heart attacks or strokes.

A group of business professionals is engaged in a first aid training session in a conference room. They are gathered around a CPR dummy, with one man demonstrating chest compressions while others observe closely, take notes, and ask questions. The participants are dressed in business casual attire and appear focused and attentive. The setting is well-lit, and the atmosphere is serious and educational, highlighting the importance of first aid skills in a professional environment.

3. How many people should we train?

The more, the merrier! But if we’re looking for specifics, here are the minimum ratios:

  • High-risk workplaces: 1 trained first aider for every 25 employees
  • Low-risk workplaces: 1 trained first aider for every 50 employees
  • Remote High Risk locations: 1 trained first aider for every 10 employees

But remember, these are minimums. In reality, we often need more. People take holidays, get sick, or might be on a different shift when an emergency happens. Plus, the more people who know first aid, the safer everyone is.

Our advice? Train as many people as we can. It’s an investment in our team’s safety and well-being.

The main legal requirement is simple: we need to have trained staff. The specifics can vary depending on our industry and the size of our workplace. But having trained first aiders isn’t just about ticking a box – it’s about creating a safer work environment for everyone.

5. Do you offer group discounts?

Yes, we do! Fill out our online form, and we’ll be happy to discuss pricing for your group.

Why Team First Aid Training Matters

At the end of the day, corporate first aid and team first aid training are about more than just learning how to bandage a wound or perform CPR. It’s about creating a culture of safety and care in our workplace.

When we invest in corporate first aid and team first aid training, we’re saying to our employees, “Your safety matters to us.” We’re building a team that looks out for each other, that knows how to work together in a crisis.

So why wait? Book on site group training with My First Aid Course Brisbane today. Whether you’re looking for comprehensive corporate first aid training or a focused team first aid course, we’ve got you covered. Our experienced trainers, hands-on approach, and flexible learning options make us the top choice for corporate and team first aid training in Brisbane.

Remember, in an emergency, every second counts. Make sure your team is ready. Contact us today to schedule your team’s corporate and team first aid training. Together, we can create a safer workplace and a safer community.

Jack Majlinger

Hi there! I'm Jack Majlinger. I began my first aid journey back in 2012, with my first "first aid" course. It was after a hiking accident where a friend had to be airlifted. Over the years, my first aid skills grew, I volunteered at equestrian events and local shows and became a first aid trainer. When I'm not working on content, I enjoy spotting birds in the wild and writing jangle pop tunes.