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Things We Learnt from “The Office” First Aid Scene

We hope your first aid training isn’t as bad as this scene from “The Office.” The first aid scene in the episode “Stress Relief” is a first aid trainers favourite thanks to its unexpected educational value. Here are some key takeaways from that memorable scene.

Before CPR, Always Check for Breathing

In the scene, Michael Scott, with his usual overconfidence, jumps straight into performing CPR without the crucial initial steps. Before performing CPR, remember to check for breathing. This involves the “Look, Listen, and Feel” test. Look for chest movements, listen for breathing sounds, and feel for breath on your cheek. If someone isn’t breathing, it usually means they’ve had a cardiac arrest and need CPR immediately. Michael skipped this step, but you shouldn’t!

Making Judgement Calls

Michael  asks if you should bother performing CPR on someone with no arms or legs. While his question was absurd, it highlights the importance of making judgement calls during emergencies. In real life, always assess the situation fully before taking action. Stopping severe bleeding should be a priority because performing CPR on someone with a severe bleed could just pump blood out faster.

The Correct CPR Pace

Michael’s attempt at CPR is both chaotic and enlightening. He performs chest compressions at a frantic pace, clearly missing the mark. The correct rate for CPR compressions is 100-120 beats per minute. A helpful tip is to think of the song “Staying Alive” by the Bee Gees, which has the perfect tempo for CPR. It’s catchy and, most importantly, effective. 

The Office First Aid Scene: Actually Helpful

This hilarious episode underscores the importance of proper first aid training. At CPR Course Brisbane, our expert trainers ensure that your first aid training doesn’t go off the rails like Michael’s. We teach you the right techniques, the correct procedures, and how to stay calm under pressure.

“The Office” first aid scene is a perfect example of unintended lessons. While it’s great for a laugh, it also highlights the need for proper first aid training.

At My First Aid Brisbane, we provide comprehensive training that equips you with the skills to handle real-life emergencies confidently and correctly. Don’t leave your first aid knowledge to chance; let our expert trainers guide you every step of the way. Sign up for our first aid training today and be prepared to save lives with the right skills!

And as a final reminder: no organ harvesting, please!

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Jack Majlinger

Hi there! I'm Jack Majlinger. I began my first aid journey back in 2012, with my first "first aid" course. It was after a hiking accident where a friend had to be airlifted. Over the years, my first aid skills grew, I volunteered at equestrian events and local shows and became a first aid trainer. When I'm not working on content, I enjoy spotting birds in the wild and writing jangle pop tunes.